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       本公司主要設備從德國進口,其中有注漿成型系統、模具制造系統.高溫反應燒結系統(2500℃)。生產工藝全部采用德國FCT先進的工藝技術軟件.生產所需原材料從德國進口。從2005年12月1日起,我公司又從德國引進大容積的中頻反應燒結爐,并開始規模化生產長度為3.8米的重結晶碳化硅輥棒和橫梁。作為當前中國的高技術碳化硅生產企業,本公司擁有一批事業心強, 充滿活力的中外經營、技術專家、以優秀的產品、引導市場需求,為各企業提供優質的服務。 
       我公司高級工程技術人員對用戶使用R-SIC產品的使用方案提供免費設計服務,根據我們的經驗和R-SIC的特點優選使用設計方案,使用戶在完全滿足使用要求的前提下,實現良好的經濟效益。 根據用戶的特殊要求,我公司制造滿足特殊使用條件的特殊性能產品。

·FCT(Tangshan)New Materials Co.,Ltd. in Tangshan City,Hebei Province China, which is owned by FCT Systeme GmbH.;
·Equipped with Germany technology, we specialized in manufacturing RSIC(Recrystallized Silicon Carbide) & NSIC(Nitride bonded Silicon Carbide) products, SIC Boats, SIC Cantilever, SIC Diffusion Tube,such as beams,plates,burner nozzles;thermal couple pipes,rollers,saggers and customized products etc.
·The products widely used in ceramics,refractories,alumnima-producting industries and high tension ceremic insulator-producting industries etc.
·Our annual production capacity is 400 tons/year. We are an ISO9001:2000 certified company.
·We are commited to process improvement. With a decade of experience we can provide the highest quality materials for you most demanding applications, and we also understand the impact of cost,lead time,performance,maintainability, and durability of our products.
